Category Archives: iPhone


The iPhone has an app(lication) out that I am loving – and for absolutely no good reason.

PhotoSwap is just like it sounds. I guess. It’s easy for me to say that now that I have been playing with it for a few days.

What it is, is basically a random, could be anonymous, social networking kind of app through pictures.

Here’s how it works: You use your iPhone to take a picture – of anything you damn well choose. You have the option to use the picture or retake it. When you hit ‘use’, it just sends it to g-d knows who – since you have no way of knowing where into the ether it goes. You then immediately get one in return from someone else.

I got this one from an unknown chick.  A iPhone pic of a reflection of her in her 1st generation iPod.  How very meta.

Random for sure. Anonymous – if they choose (or you choose).  However, I was getting some photos back that would say something like, “Stan/Straight/32”. Whatever, dude!

I’d get some photos coming back that had nothing written. Since I can’t see exactly my end result of what I was sending out, I was hoping it didn’t have some text attached. Beau told me via Twitter (thank you Twitter – you were finally useful) how to get text on them thar messages.

How I got this info from Beau was that he was seeing folks’ text that said ‘no gays’. G-d, ya frickin homophobes, give it up. No one is wanting you so badly from a random snapshot that they are hunting you down to do you! No one!

I decided not to do age, sex, location. I’m not looking to hook-up. No, I went one worse. I just put this blog URL on it. Maybe it will drive others to said blog.

As for location, after you hit the ‘info button’ (see that above pic again), you get a location button’….and it brings up a Goooooogle map.  Not an exact location, but a relatively close one, I’m assuming.

There is also a ‘reply button’, but I have not used that, nor has anyone to me.  That’s ok, I’m into it for the randomness.   Another random feature, one I don’t like; the camera does not keep the picture I took.  It doesn’t go to my photo album, it just gets sent and then goes away, like it never existed.  In a way, that’s kind of cool, but I can’t show you any of my handy-dandy work.

Naturally, the app is free.  I just can’t see paying for it.  But I’m cheap – we all know that.

Song by: Weezer